Charities we currently support

"Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have"
"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give."
Every year, Rice Properties Group hosts a Charity Fun Run in support of NAMI Northern Virginia (National Alliance on Mental Illness). To date, Rice Properties Group has raised nearly $30,000 in support of this life-saving charity organization. Mental Illness is a subject to which we are all closely connected, whether by personal affliction or by knowing someone affected by a mental health condition. It is of the utmost importance to spread awareness, offer support, and end the stigma that surrounds mental illness.

“R’ICE Bowl Annual Charity Event!”
Rice Properties Group has donated over $20,000 to sponsor local disc golf tournaments over the years. Ryan’s ties to the sport go back nearly twenty years, to his college years. He is passionate about disc golf and is grateful to support this diverse, tightly-knit community – even if he doesn’t get to play as often as he would like these days!
For four years and counting, Rice Properties Group has sponsored a local charity disc golf tournament that raises funds to combat food insecurity. Hosted on a national scale every winter as the “Ice Bowl,” the local disc golf community fondly brands their region’s event the “R’Ice Bowl.”
The R’Ice Bowl raises thousands of dollars every year for the Capital Area Food Bank, which distributes more than 45 million meals a year to communities in D.C., Virginia, and Maryland. No one in this country should ever have to worry about when they’ll have their next meal, and we are proud to support an organization that provides hunger relief to our communities.