Whether you’ve been in your home for two years or 20, everyone accumulates “stuff”. Purging your home and donating items you won’t be taking with you is recommended so that your home looks and feels roomier. Renting a storage unit is also an option as they are usually quite affordable. Professional home stagers suggest removing 50% of the items in your home prior to hitting the market. Don’t just shove everything in closets, attics, and basements, however, as buyers look in all of these spaces too! If this task is overwhelming (and it will be!), consider engaging the services of a professional home organizer to assist you with the process. Family members are also great resources to temporarily store your items. Decluttering always takes longer than expected, so start this task early on in the process.
You don’t have to be a professional stager or have a million dollar budget to set up your home in a way that appeals to buyers and shows off your home’s best assets. You can often use the items you already own and just repurpose them. Professional home stagers recommend focusing on the kitchen, living room, primary bedroom, and bathrooms. YouTube is a great resource and has many videos showing what options you have for staging your own home!